Saturday, July 26, 2008

what is the mushroomcapmaniac?

the mushroomcapmaniac, my friend, is a persona-centric phenomenon witnessed at the angel street thrift store in the chelsea section of NYC by caitlin and emily, and further catalogued by katherine. he is an enigma. this blog was created for the purpose of finding this man. If you wear wifebeaters, are moderately ripped, are into theatrical arts, enjoy trying on kimonos and other such garments, like cutting people off so you can perform himilayan-type meditative chants in dressing rooms, and most importantly, frequently sport a spherical gogo-esque mushroomcap hat, you may be who i'm looking for. 

1 comment:

EMILY said...

The mushroomcapmaniac's mushroom cap has been recovered. It is on sale in the basement of Ruby Boutique on church street in Montclair, New Jersey. It is spherical, white, furry, and sitting on a shelf next to gel inserts for your breasts.